Florence by night on a vintage sidecar

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Florence by night on a vintage sidecar

From this spring we are to offer you a very special experience: a night tour on a vintage sidecar to discover the beauty of Florence after sunset. The amazing view from Piazzale Michelangelo, but also the narrow dark streets in Oltrarno district… When it’s too hot to ride during the day, this is the perfect choice to get your intro to the city. And taste some of the best food Florence has to offer!

We have 4 sidecars so this tour is suitable for up to 8 people. We’ll give you helmets, glasses and… our way of living Florence!

Contact us for any other question and for bokings at tours@de-gustibus.it or using WhatsApp (+39 340 5796207 – Tommy)

Florence by night vintage sidecar tour by de gustibus wine and food tours

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